As an entirely student-run non-profit, not even half a year old, we’ve already accomplished so much. We’ve grown to over 30 chapters across the United States. Over 400 passionate and dedicated members have been welcomed into the SACM family. Together, we’ve taken over 1,000 actions, which is incredible! And we’re just getting started.
We have big dreams: We’d like to run educational events, host the nation’s first child marriage research library on our website, launch targeted lawmaker campaigns, support brave survivors, and continue to grow. Unfortunately, those dreams come with a price.
That’s why we’re asking you to join us on this global day of generosity. Help us achieve our goals and carry out our mission of ending child marriage in the United States once and for all!
Here are 5 quick and easy ways you can show your support:
Click here to donate.
This link is the quickest way to donate. A couple of clicks and a couple of taps, and you’re done!
Share this link with your friends and family and tell them why ending child marriage is important to you! Make sure everyone knows how to donate!
Donate via Facebook Fundraiser
Each of our chapters has launched a Facebook fundraiser benefiting SACM. To support your local chapter, visit our Facebook page and scroll down the fundraisers to find the chapter you’re most involved with, or donate directly to the SACM Facebook Fundraiser in the link above.
Play Bingo on your Instagram story
Click here to find the bingo boards. From there, save your favorite color bingo board, open Instagram, and add that image to your story!
Then, fill out the board with your Venmo and an Instagram donation sticker (found under the square smiley face in the top right corner). Don’t forget to tag us @studentsagainstchildmarriage_ and use the hashtag #GivingTuesday
When someone messages you that they’d like to donate, Venmo's you an amount, or you receive a notification that someone donated from the donation sticker, cross off that circle! Try and get a bingo, or even better, a full black-out!
At the end of the day, please Venmo the donations you received to the SACM Venmo @studentsagainst.
DM your friends!
Share this Instagram post with your close friends and ask them to support SACM this Giving Tuesday. The post explains where our money goes (hint: supporting our efforts to end child marriage!), and it is an excellent way to be open with your friends and reasonably ask for their support.
Send us a check
We happily accept checks!
Our mailing address is:
Students Against Child Marriage
4301 50th Street NW
Suite 300 PMB 1021
Washington, D.C. 20016
Email our Executive Director Max Robins at, so we know to keep an eye out for it!
Even if all these efforts don’t bring in a dime, by sharing our posts, links, and information, people will learn about our organization and the human rights abuse going on in our backyard.
Child marriage remains a problem is because people don’t know it exists. Lawmakers don’t act to end child marriage because their constituents aren’t demanding a change. By educating your family and friends, you are taking the first step in ending child marriage.
Thank you again for your support. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to take this unprecedented action to end American child marriage. Donate today and encourage others to do the same.
Happy Giving Tuesday!